Presentazione del programma Transnational Law Program (TLP)
Prof. Michael Koby
Professor of Practice, Associate Dean for International and Graduate Programs, Coordinator Transnational Law Program at Washington University St. Louis
Prof. Karen Tokarz
Charles Nagel Professor of Public Interest Law and Policy, Director, Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Program and Director of the Civil Rights, Community Development & Mediation Clinic (online)
Prof.ssa Elena Ioriatti, Responsabile Transnational Law Program, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
Prof.ssa Silvana Dalla Bontà, Co-Delegata alla Didattica della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
Dott.ssa Sara Giacomini, Laureata TLP, Avvocato (Corte d'Appello Trento), Attorney (NY Bar)
Dott.ssa Lorenza Zuccatti, Responsabile amministrativa Transnational Law Program, Trento
Silvia Pizzo, studentessa TLP, LLM in Negotiation & Alternative Dispute Resolution
Elettra Prati, studentessa TLP, LLM in Negotiation & Alternative Dispute Resolution