
Mapping Religious Difference in Europe

The Atlas of Religious or Belief Minority Rights
16 dicembre 2021
17 dicembre 2021
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Scadenza prenotazioni: 
15 dicembre 2021, 12:00
prof.ssa Rossella Bottoni

Thursday 16 December 2021


Erminia Camassa, University of Trento

I. The Research Project

h.9:15 Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan 

Presentation of the Research Project

h.9:35 Alberto Melloni, Fscire/University of Modena-Reggio Emilia

The Importance of the Atlas in the Context of Religious Sciences

h.9:45 Alessia Passarelli, Fscire/Centro Studi Confronti; Francesca Oliosi, University of Trento

Presentation of the Project Indices 

h.10:05 Roberta Medda-Windischer, Eurac Bolzano

A View from Outside

h.10:25 Discussion 

h.10:45 Break 

II. Legal Status

h.11:00 Rossella Bottoni, University of Trento 

Introduction to the Results 

h.11:20 Kerstin Wonisch, Eurac Bolzano

The Austrian Perspective

h.11:30 Eric Roux, European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights

The Scientology Perspective

h.11:40 Discussion 

h.12:00 Break 

III. Religious/Belief Symbols

h.14:30 Cristiana Cianitto, University of Milan 

Introduction to the Results 

h.14:50 Anne Fornerod, French National Centre for Scientific Research

The French Perspective

h.15:00 Anna Stamou, Equal Society/Muslim Association of Greece

The Islamic Perspective

h.15:10 Discussion 

h.15:30 Break 

IV. Spiritual Assistance

h.16:15 Ilaria Valenzi, FBK/Centro Studi Confronti

Introduction to the Results 

h.16:35 Balázs Schanda, Pázmány Péter Catholic University of Budapest

The Hungarian Perspective

h.16:45 Silvia Baldassarre, University of Florence

The Belief Organizations Perspective

h.16:55 Discussion 

h.17:15 End of the Working Day 

Friday 17 December 2021

V. Public Schools

h.9:30 Alessia Passarelli, Fscire/Centro Studi Confronti

Introduction to the Results 

h.9:50 Louis-Léon Christians, Catholic University of Louvain

The Belgian Perspective

h.10:00 Francesca Evangelisti, Italian Union of Seventh-Day Adventist Christian Churches

The Protestant Perspective

h.10:10 Discussion 

h.10:30 Break 

VI. Concluding Remarks

h.10:40 Paolo Naso, University of Rome La Sapienza; Marco Ventura, FBK/University of Siena

What is the Atlas for?

h.11:20 Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan

The Atlas Future

h.11:40 End of Conference

Scientific coordination

Prof. Erminia Camassa, University of Trento

Prof. Rossella Bottoni, University of Trento