Flight, Journey and Territories

Analysing the Life Paths of Migrants
16 settembre 2016
16 September 2016


VIDEO: Parte I; Parte IIParte III;  Parte IV.

Conference Hall, Faculty of Law

h 9.00-18.00

The human dimension of migrants’ stories represents one of the main sources of inspiration for this workshop. Young scholars of immigration studies - PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers in the fields of law, sociology and humanities – have been invited to discuss the results of their researches with experts in the field. The workshop will revolve around two underlying themes: migration as "flight" and migration as "journey". These two themes are to be understood not only in a physical sense, considering migrants’ departure from their country of origin, but also in a metaphorical sense, looking at changes that occur in migrants’ life paths, in the “territories” of both the host country and the country of origin.

This workshop is part of the project “Living Integration Laws - Immigrant Care Workers between Social Biographies and Legal Careers”, funded by the University of Trento as a strategic research project. The research aims at the study of female migrations towards care work by mapping, through interviews, 250 adult women’s migratory paths and life stories. It is an interdisciplinary project involving members of the departments of Sociology, Law, Humanities and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Trento.


h. 9.00


Giuseppe Nesi and Giuseppe Sciortino, University of Trento

h. 9.15 – 9.45

Inaugural Key Note Speech

Maryellen Fullerton, Brooklyn Law University

h. 9.45 – 12.45

A Blurring Distinction? The Uncertain Boundaries of Forced and Economic Migrations

Chair: Veronica Manca, University of Trento

Collective Expulsions in Light of the European Court of Human Rights Case-Law

Luigi Francesco Gatta, University of Padova

Re-Thinking the Common European Asylum System. Alternatives to Face its Crisis

Gracy Pelacani, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona

Discussants: Giuseppe Nesi and Giuseppe Sciortino, University of Trento

h. 11.00-11.15 Coffee Break

Here and There: Integration through Employment and Transnationalism

Chair: Giuseppe Sciortino, University of Trento

When Departure is not a Break with Home - Traditional and Contemporary Mobility as a Contribution to Local Livelihood Strategies in Senegal

Irene Schöfberger

Un viaggio oltre gli stereotipi. Tra famiglia e lavoro: le donne marocchine in Italia

Angela Piredda, Università di Sassari

Discussants: Paolo Boccagni and Katia Pilati, University of Trento

h. 14.15 – 17.30

Migrazioni e linguaggi

Chair: Alessandra Macillo, Università di Trento

“A Reversal of the Irish Diaspora”: Esilio, identità frammentata e clash culturale in tre opere di JP Donleavy

Barbara Miceli, Università di Roma 3

L’Hotspot tra labilità semantica e giuridica

Maria Pia Monno, Sophia-Antipolis University, Nice

Vie di fuga. Una critica della rappresentazione pubblica del migrante

Lavinia Bianchi, Barbara Morsello, Danilo Palmisano, Università di Roma 3

Discussants: Claudio Giunta ed Andrea Cossu, Università di Trento

h. 15.30-15.45 Coffee Break

Pluralismo e identità: costruzione o costrizione?

Chair: Davide Strazzari, Università di Trento

Risorse identitarie in viaggio: le due comunità religiose bengalesi di Roma

Silvia Omenetto e Katiuscia Carnà, Università di Roma 3

Diritti fondamentali del non cittadino e principio di unità dell’ordinamento giuridico

Luca Buscema, Università di Messina

Discussants: Simone PenasaFrancesca Decimo, Università di Trento

h. 17.45

Best Research Papers Awards Ceremony

Scientific coordinators:

Prof. Giuseppe Nesi (Univ. di Trento, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza)
Prof. Giuseppe Sciortino (Univ. di Trento, D.to di Sociologia e Ricerca sociale)
Prof. Claudio Giunta (Univ. di Trento, D.to di Lettere e Filosofia)

Scientific Secretariat:

Dott. Davide Strazzari (davide.strazzari [at] unitn.it)
Dott.ssa Alessandra Macillo (alessandra.macillo [at] unitn.it)
Dott.ssa Veronica Manca (veronica.manca [at] unitn.it)
Dott.ssa Stefania Yapo (stefania.yapo [at] unitn.it)

Working Languages: English and Italian

application/pdfBrochure evento dd. 16.9.2016(PDF | 1 MB)