Book Launch "Culture and the Judiciary: The Antropologist Judge", Ilenia Ruggiu

3 maggio 2019
3 maggio 2019

Comparative Constitutional Law

Friday May 3rd 2019, ore 15.00-17.00

           Law Department, via Verdi 53 - Trento, Room C

Book Launch - Ilenia Ruggiu, Culture and the Judiciary: The Antropologist Judge, Routledge, 2019  *


  • Roberto Toniatti, Law Department, University of Trento


  • Livia Holden, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, University of Padua; Centre for Socio-Legal studies, University of Oxford; Editor of cultural Expertise and Socio-Legal Studies, special issue of Studies in Law, Politics and Societies, Vol.78,2019
  • Arun Thiruvengadam, School of policy and Governance at Azim Premji University, Bangalore; Visiting Professor, University of Trento

Discussion, Q&A

Concluding Remarks:

  • Ilenia Ruggiu, the Author, University of Cagliari

* English translation of the volume  Il giudice antropologo, Costituzione e tecniche di composizione dei Conflitti multiculturali, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012

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