
Apology of Socrates

Theatrical performance of the play by Plato
Apology of Socrates
28 ottobre 2021
Aula B
Organizzato da: 
Segreteria della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
Comunità studentesca UniTrento
Ingresso libero con prenotazione
Scadenza prenotazioni: 
27 ottobre 2021, 12:00

Date and Time

The play will be performed on Thursday 28 October 2021 at 5 PM in room Aula B.
See below and the flyer for detailed access information.

The Aplogy of Socrates by Plato

Performed in English

Apology of Socrates, a dramatization of the famous Greek philosopher’s defence, presents his rebuttals to a guilty verdict and death sentence. In the Apology, reported to us by Plato, Socrates’ disciple, the wise man of Athens firmly and eloquently defends himself – rather than apologizing in the contemporary sense – against several politically motivated accusations that included not believing in the gods of the state and of corrupting Athenian youth.

Christian Poggioni embodies this eccentric yet magnetic personality. The play is profoundly social, political, but above all human and captivates the audience by the humour, immediacy and simplicity of the actor's rendition.

Take a seat in the court of ancient Athens as Socrates goes on trial for his life. Hear the philosopher, facing his accusers with his trademark wit, cutting logic and the courage of his ideals.

Consider his arguments on virtue, justice, civic duty, love of life and hope in death. Is he guilty or not guilty?

Directed and performed by Christian Poggioni
Original score Requiem for Socrates by Irina Solinas

Access and Reservation

Please note that access is granted to 1st year CEILS students of the Philosophy of Law course (prior to reservation) and freely open to other interested students (prior to reservation and within the limit of the available seats).

To reserve your seat, fill in the online form.

The initiative is financed by the project POT-Giurisprudenza

Apology 1
Apology 2
Apology 3