The course aims to impart the ability to acknowledge and understand one's own emotions in their various forms and effectively manage emotional excesses. Additionally, it aims to better understand other people through techniques of active listening to oneself and others, especially in complex and intricate work environments.
Skills to be acquired:
Through the learning of practical abilities, such as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and relationship management, participants will be able to improve their intrapersonal, interpersonal, and professional relationships.
Course outline:
− Introduction to emotional intelligence: definition and reasons why it is important;
− Multiple intelligences;
− The importance of emotions and self-perception;
− Empathy and openness to change: understanding and respecting the emotions of others;
− Practical application of emotional intelligence: how to use these skills to improve personal and professional life.
Teaching methodologies:
theory, self and peer assessment, simulations, and exercises, including interactive game-based software.
Useful information
Time: 09.00 - 13.00
We ask those who are unable to participate to notify their absence.
The meeting will be held in English at School of Innovation (Via Tommaso Gar 2, Trento).
All scheduled training events and seminars are available on our calendar.