
The rebirth of terracotta sculpture: Italy and Germany compared

Times, places, artists, functions
25 novembre 2021
26 novembre 2021
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo Paolo Prodi - Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Aula 006
Organizzato da: 
Ingresso libero con prenotazione
Online su prenotazione
Aldo Galli
Staff CeASUm
0461 281788


Thursday, november 25

9.30 am  Prof. Maurizio Giangiulio (Direttore del CeASUm) - Welcome

9.45 am  Prof. Aldo Galli (Università di Trento) - “La rinascita della terracotta”: fixed points and open problems

10.15 am  Prof. Dr. Juliane von Fircks (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) - German Terracotta Sculpture in the 15th century – state of research

10.45 am  Discussion

11.15 am  Coffee Break

11.45 am  Prof. Francesco Caglioti (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) - Donatello, Brunelleschi, and terracotta “colossi”

12.15 am  Discussion and perspectives

12.45 – 14.00 am - Lunch

14.00 pm  Dr. Matthias Weniger (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum München) - Opuka, artificial stone and terracotta: serial aspects in and around Bohemian sculpture of c. 1400

14.30 pm  Prof.ssa Laura Cavazzini (Università di Trento) - Terracotta in Florence: a new medium for new functions

15.00 pm  Discussion

15.30 pm  Coffee Break

16.00 pm  Dr. Neville Rowley (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin) - Wilhelm Bode, the rediscovery of terracotta, and an enigmatic Madonna

16.30 pm  Malin Limmer (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) - On a Small Stage: The Terracotta Altarpiece of the Annunciation in the Cologne Columba Museum

17.00 pm  Discussion and Resumé of day I

Friday, november 26

9.00 am  Aldo Galli and Juliane von Fircks - A Short introduction in day II

09.30 am  Christine Kenner (Wiesbaden, Landesdenkmalamt) - Mysterious fragments: A group of mourning women from St. Leonard in Frankfurt and the succession of the Master of the Lorcher Bearing of the Cross

10.15 am  Dr. Tobias Kunz (Köln) - Terracotta statues in early fifteenth century Augsburg

11.30 am  Dr. Martin Hirsch (Staatliche Münzsammlung München) - The Master of the Krenzer Vesperbild –About the Status of Terracotta Sculpture in Late Medieval Bavaria

12.15 am  Dr. Marco Scansani (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) - Medals and Terracottas: Parallel Rebirths in the Po Valley

13.00 pm  Resumé of day II, Perspectives

Participation in presence or via Zoom

Participation to the conference is free, but, due to the new rules regarding the Covid pandemic, it is mandatory to register. The conference registration will open on 8 November until 24 November h. 12.00 (GMT): Registration apply
The access to the Department of Humanities is allowed only with the Green Pass or a negative covid test in the last 48 hours and the self-certification available in the download area. Face masks must always be worn.

It is also possible to partecipate in the event via Zoom: Zoom registration until 24 November h. 12.00 (GMT).
The Zoom link will be sent to the registered participants one hour before the conference begins.

File Covid self-declaration (DOCX | 267 KB)
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