Clandestine Archaeology and Restitution Issues. Cultural heritage, politics, and power
Demands for cultural restitution have rocked the museum world in recent years, but the overall scale and effects of such demands are not well understood. This talk situates contemporary restitution demands in the international cultural heritage framework and explains patterns across settled and incomplete cases.
Fiona Rose Greenland is Associate Professor of Sociology and Assistant Professor of Anthropology (by courtesy). She works at the intersection of cultural sociology, comparative and historical sociology, and archaeology. The core issue she investigates is the role of artifactual culture in modern social life. To do this, she uses mixed qualitative methods that attend to individual and group interpretive practices, the nexus of art, money, and meaning, and the historical contingencies of institutional authority over cultural materials. Prof. Greenland has conducted fieldwork in archaeological sites, museums, and antiquities shops in Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and she is founder and director of the CURIA Lab (Cultural Resilience Informatics and Analysis).
Recent publications include Ruling Culture: Art Police, Tomb Robbers, and the Rise of Cultural Power in Italy (Chicago, 2021), Cultural Violence and the Destruction of Human Communities (with Fatma Müge Göçek) (Routledge, 2020), “Long-range Continuities in Comparative and Historical Sociology” (Theory & Society, 2020), and “Theory of an Art Market Scandal” (with Amy Whitaker) (American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 2021).
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