Achille Varzi is John Dewey Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University, New York (USA), where he has been teaching since 1995. As of 2017, he is also Bruno Kessler Honorary professor at the University of Trento. His main research interests are in logic and metaphysics. Among his publications, Semplicità insormontabili. 39 storie filosofiche (with R. Casati, Laterza 2006, translated into 10 languages), Ontologia (Laterza 2019) and Mereology (with A. J. Cotnoir, Oxford University Press, 2021).
h. 10:00, Room 110
Master class for MA and PhD students.
h. 18.00, Room 001
Keynote Lecture
Discussants: Paola Giacomoni (Trento), Federico Laudisa (Trento)
Participation in the event is free. To take part in the master class and earn thecredits, registration is mandatory: please contact internationalphilosophy.lett [at]