La Cina e il mondo ai tempi della pandemia
I seminari si terranno su piattaforma Zoom, causa pandemia.
Il prossimo appuntamento
4 novembre 2021 ore 12.30
La conferenza si terrà in lingua inglese.
L'iscrizione all'evento è possibile al seguente link
Le iscrizioni si chiuderanno in data 03 novembre 2021 ore 12.00
The China-African Cooperation under the Global Pandemic of Coronavirus
- Liu Haifang, Peking University, School of International Studies
The great dilemma has appeared for African countries between helping people to make a livelihood and protecting lives from contracting the virus under the global pandemic of COVID-19. However, almost from scratch African Union has helped its 54 member states to set up an anti-COVID-19 mechanism since the announcement of the outbreak of the virus by WHO and the linkage between the regional entity and African countries has so far greatly slowed down the local proliferation, with specific funding for the programs of raising public awareness down to the communities and improving clinics to deal with the shortage of medical facilities. Lots of autonomous innovations and relieving efforts made by local people also show the resilience of the African people in the combat for the epidemic. Under this new challenge of the global health, China and Africa have shown more solidarity to offer mutual helps to each other whenever mostly in need. Based on the collaboration in health sector, China has explored to dispatch new medical teams composed by experts of anti-COVID-19 to 11 African countries to transmit confidence to win the battle as well as the newly accumulated knowledge and technology of the virus. Comparatively, China’s assistance with protection materials and experts to Africa has been very crucial and irreplaceable due to the fact of the severe shortage of the global market and the anti-COVID-19 confidence. Facing the global crisis or disaster caused by the virus, undeniably, more challenges have emerged such as the people-to-people dimension, China and Africa have also reemphasized the determination of jointly fighting it based on the traditional solidarity, while speeding up the construction of Sino-African Community of Health for all.
Dr Liu Haifang, is an Associate Professor in School of International Studies, Peking University. She serves as Director of the Centre for African Studies, Peking Uni., and the Vice President of the Chinese Society of African Historical Studies. She previously worked for the Institute of West Asian and African Studies (IWAAS), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a visiting scholar at University of Oslo, the Institute of African Studies, Carleton University, Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and The Institute of Social Studies in The Hague. Dr Liu has authored, edited and translated numerous publications in English and Mandarin, including books, such as The Transformative Development of Africa & South- South Cooperation in Agriculture Sector(both English and Chinese versions), Beijing Forum 2017: Emerging trends in Sino-African Development Cooperation, Special Agricultural Foreign Direct Investment in Zambia (both English and Chinese versions), General History of Africa, Angola. She has contributed chapters on aspects of China’s comprehensive presence in Africa to several volumes published by Zed, Brill, Palgrave, Fahamu Publishing house and Routledge. She also has contributed to international academic journals as both reviewers and authors. Liu ‘s current research topics include New Migrants between China and Africa, Chinese company history in Africa, African perceptions of China and Chinese migrants, Chinese Aid, China-African relations, African sustainable development studies and Contemporary Africa International Relations. She teaches courses like Comprehensive African Studies, Introduction to Africa, African Politics and International Relations, Sino-African relations, Theories on Afro-Asian Studies, Chinese Perspectives on Global Migration both in English and Chinese in PKU.
Il programma completo
5 maggio 2021 ore 17.00 - 18.15
Fang Fang e le altre: la narrazione del virus delle scrittrici cinesi tra impegno locale e sensibilità globale
- Nicoletta Pesaro Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia
17 maggio 15.30 - 17.00 (seminario dottorale)
The Chinese press and international discourse power. A discourse analysis perspective
- Bettina Mottura, Università degli Studi di Milano
Chi fosse interessato a partecipare è pregato di contattare la prof. Sofia Graziani sofia.graziani [at] (via email) entro il 15 maggio.
La professoressa provvederà ad inviare il link Zoom dedicato dell'evento.
27 maggio 2021 ore 18.00 - 19.15
La conferenza si terrà in lingua inglese.
Presiding over a Divided World: China's Global Position Post the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID19 pandemic has mixed crisis and opportunity for China. Domestically, it has allowed the government to build even more solidarity and to demonstrate high levels of purpose, particularly in view of the less effective response to the problem elsewhere in the world. Despite this, it has also thrown up deep divisions between China and the international community, sharpening diplomatic differences, and shifting the world closer to something almost akin to a dual track shape, with China on one side, and Europe and the US with their allies on another. Is this change likely to remain, after the pandemic has lifted - or does it mark a deeper geopolitical structural transformation?
- Kerry Brown, Lau China Institute, King’s College, London
4 novembre 2021 - ore 12.30
The China-African Cooperation under the Global Pandemic of Coronavirus
- Liu Haifang, School of International Studies, Peking University
L'iscrizione ai seminari è gratuita ma necessaria.
Registration is free, but necessary.
Note: Only in case the event is recorded, it is only for academic purposes and archiving and within the UniTrento channels.
Referente scientifico
- Sofia Graziani
ceasum.lett [at]
Nell’ambito del Progetto Covid-2019 BRIICoPIC (2021-2022) “La BRI e l’impatto del Covid-19 sulla proiezione internazionale della Cina”, in collaborazione con la Scuola di Studi Internazionali.