
Popular Music of Europe in Romance Languages? – Historical and Present Dimensions of ‘Hidden’ Connections

Conference Panel of the XXXVII. Romanistentag (University of Augsburg)
4 ottobre 2021
5 ottobre 2021
6 ottobre 2021
7 ottobre 2021
Orario di inizio 
Online su prenotazione
Christoph Oliver Mayer
Christoph Oliver Mayer - Paula Rebecca Schreiber


Day 1: 4th October 2021

Programme & framework events set by the general organizers & the scientific committee of the XXXVII. Romanistentag (University of Augsburg)

Day 2: 5th October 2021

Panel 1 – Popular Music of Europe? I

11.00-11.10 Introduction Section Chairs: Popular Music of Europe?

11.10-11.40 Dal Cantagiro al Canteuropa: note storiche per una geografia musicale comune

  • Giovanna Carugno (Roma)

11.40-12.10 «Junge Europäer singen». Die Burg Waldeck Festivals als europäisches Event populärer Musik (1964-1969)

  • Maude Williams (Saarbrücken/Luxemburg)

12.10-12.30 Discussion

Panel 2 – Popular Music of Europe? II

13.30-14.00 La musique celtique comme vecteur d’identité culturelle ? Le cas de la Bretagne

  • Myriam Hilout (Berlin)

14.00-14.30 «La Roumanie – 12 points» - Europeanness im Eurovision Song Contest

  • Christoph Oliver Mayer (Berlin)

14.30-14.50 Discussion

Panel 3 – Opening Discourses–Closing Perspectives? Rap Music and Reflections on Europe

15.00-15.10 Introduction Paula Rebecca Schreiber (Trento): Opening Discourses–Closing Perspectives? Rap Music and Reflections on Europe

15.10-15.30 Vernáculo, Lungatg, Argot, and Gergo – Perspectives on Language Ideologies within Various Rap Texts in Romance Languages

  • Paula Rebecca Schreiber (Trento)

15.30-16.00 From Spaghetti Funk to “Difendi Roma”: Regional Dialects and Right-Wing Nationalism in Italian Rap

  • Enrico Zammarchi (Spokane)

16.00-16.20 Discussion

16.20-16.50 Repensar Europa desde el rap: el discurso culturalista y feminista de Gata Cattana

  • Susana Pinilla Alba (Wuppertal)

16.50-17.00 Discussion

Day 3: 6th October 2021

Panel 4 – European traditions of (self)-written songs and their translation I

13.30-13.40 Introduction Christoph Mayer (Berlin/Dresden): European traditions of (self)-written songs and their translation

13.40-14.20 CCCP, Europa e dopo. Punkmusik als Bindeglied Europas

  • Intervista e Discussione con Massimo Zamboni (Reggio Emilia)

14.20-14.50 Discussion

14.50-15.20 “Musica leggerissima”: Wandlung der Canzone italiana zwischen Canzone d’autore, Indie und Pop

  • Francesca Bravi (Kiel)

15.20-15.30 Discussion

Panel 5 – European traditions of (self)-written songs and their translation II

15.30-16.00 Italienische Popmusik übersetzen. Europäische Versionen italienischer Musik im Vergleich

  • Maria Lieber (Dresden) / Daniele Robol (Trento)

16.00-16.30 Romancing Europe: Staged Multilingualism and Accentual Affectation in Post-War Popular Music

  • Zeno Ackermann / Barış Kabak (Würzburg)

16.30-17.00 Discussion

17.15-18.00 Final Discussion

Day 4: 7th October 2021

Programme & framework events set by the general organizers & the scientific committee  of the XXXVII. Romanistentag (University of Augsburg)

Chaired by

  • Christoph Oliver Mayer (HU Berlin/TU Dresden)
  • Paula Rebecca Schreiber (University of Trento)