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Beyond Compliance

Embedded ethics in social research
23 marzo 2022
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo di Sociologia - Via Verdi 26, Trento
Aula Kessler
Organizzato da: 
Hans Schadee Research Methods Center
Comunità universitaria
Ingresso libero con prenotazione
Online su prenotazione
Prenotazione obbligatoria
Scadenza prenotazioni: 
22 marzo 2022, 23:59


  • Mario Diani  University of Trento 
  • Teresa Bertotti University of Trento

«Beyond compliance. Embedded ethics in social research»

  • Kim Strom  - University of North Carolina (USA) 

“Ethical dilemmas in practice: examples”

  • Ana M. Sobočan – University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) 

“Questions and examples from the floor”


  • Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri

Research integrity: an overview of an international study about QRPs. - University of Trento

Discussions of research ethics typically focus on the regulatory compliance needed to protect human subjects. Such compliance, while essential, represents only a fraction of the ethical considerations that emerge throughout the research process, from the choice about what to study and how to study it through analysis and dissemination of findings. Attention to these considerations is especially important for researchers in social work and social sciences involving vulnerable populations, and related issues of social justice. Using examples and the literature from a variety of fields, this seminar examines ethical dilemmas, and the awareness, integrity and resources needed to address them


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