Ethnography and Qualitative Research International Conference
Established in 2006, the Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference has become a recognised scientific meeting for social researchers interested in ethnographic inquiry in Italy and abroad.
Ethnography is increasingly practiced as a crucial research method across a range of social sciences, and beyond. In fact, more than a method, ethnography could be said to entail a whole philosophy of social research and a special sensitivity towards the intersubjective worlds in which people and other creatures live.
The upcoming 2023 Edition (9th Edition) consolidates the rich intellectual discussion spurred by previous editions. Researchers from across disciplines and fields including sociology, anthropology, political sciences, arts & humanities, education, social work, geography, cultural studies, science and technology studies, and gender studies, are welcome to present their research and discuss their cutting-edge findings in a lively, informal environment.
The aims of the Conference include:
- fostering scholarly exchange and facilitate research collaborations among senior and junior scholars;
- supporting the dissemination of fresh, original, and timely research;
- encouraging PhD students at different stages of their research career to share and present preliminary findings and fieldwork experience;
- welcoming graduate and undergraduate students as audience to the conference and active participants in the discussion.
The Conference embraces and endorses a broad, ambitious view of ethnographic research. Contributions can be based on a variety of methods, including participant observation, in-depth interviews, focus groups, video-based field studies, auto-ethnography, visual ethnography, discourse studies, and other forms of inquiry inspired and informed by an ethnographic sensibility.
Empirically grounded, theoretically informed, and methodologically sound proposals that contribute to the substantive knowledge of the social world and contemporary emerging phenomena are particularly valued.
The Conference format is based on 3-hour sessions, with 5 to 6 paper presentations per session, leaving as much room as possible for debate and discussion.
“This is not a conference, it’s a feast!”, once said a participant. Join us in celebrating a shared ethnographic passion!
Wednesday, June 7
15.00 - 18.30: Pre-conference workshop (TBA)
Thursday, June 8
9.30-12.30: Pre-conference workshop (TBA)
13.00: Registration desk opens
14.00: Conference Opening and Plenary session
15.30: Coffee break
16.00-19.00: Parallel sessions
Welcome Reception and Social Dinner
Friday, June 9
9.30: Parallel sessions
12.30: Buffet lunch
14.00: Plenary session
15.30: Coffee break
16.00-19.00: Parallel sessions
19.00: Side-events (TBA)
Saturday, June 10
10.00-13.00: Parallel sessions
Afternoon: Side events
Dates and deadlines
- Deadline submission: Monday, January 16, 2023 (CET)
- Notification of acceptance/rejection: Monday, March 13, 2023 (CET)
- Registration: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - Wednesday, Arpil 26, 2023 (CET)
Contributors must register by April 26, 2023, to be included in the programme.
Call For Papers
To submit your proposal, please fill in this online submission form.
You will be asked:
- the session of your choice (see the list of panel sessions and the respective detailed CFPs on the official website);
- the title of your talk and an abstract of maximum 1000 words;
- your contact details (full name, e-mail, post address and affiliation) and those of your co-author/s, if any;
Abstracts must be submitted in English. The official languages of the conference, however, are Italian, English, and French; for each session, languages will be used depending on the participants composition.
Contributors must register by April 26, 2023, to be included in the programme.
List of session
- The multiple roles of intimacy in ethnography inquiry.
- Humanitarian exploitation: ethnographies of labor and refugeezation.
- Bridging the political ethnographies of vulnerability.
- The politics and poetics of walking ethnographies.
- New Religious Movements and ethnography.
- Shame, Mortality and the Vulnerable Self: Visibility and Authenticity.
- Preparing for the ecological crisis: material dependencies and the transformation of agri-food systems.
- Comics-based ethnographies and ethno-graphic novels.
- Global Health and the Post-COVID Era.
- Combining Social Network Analysis and qualitative research.
- The Everyday Life of Civil Society.
- Ethnography in Mental Health Care Settings.
- From anti-prostitution to anti-trafficking struggles.
- Ethnographic approaches to recording migrant deaths and disappearances.
- Ethnographic explorations in ‘food sustainability’: narratives, practices, processes, challenges.
- The many lives of degrado: the affective, aesthetic and semiotic materiality of urban decay.
- Epistemic disputes and social polarization in times of global health emergency and other emergencies.
- Decolonising Childhood: Rethinking Children’s everyday life beyond the Western/Global North normativity.
- Migrants’ access to rights and statuses: the legal-administrative intermediation field.
- Digital Labour and Infomal Economy: transformation and challenges.
- Comparative ethnographies and qualitative studies of workers organizing.
- Ethnography of the Italian inner areas.
- Ethnographies of Law.
- Social Sciences and Ethnographic disciplines applied to the Territories.
- Between financialization, resistance and everyday life: ethnographies of housing in historic centres.
- Conspiracy theories/conspiracy practices.
- Ghosts as Ethnographic Category.
- Labour conflicts: transformations and frictions inside and outside the workplaces.
- Narratives and Counter-Narratives in the Migration Battlefield.
- Mothering across borders: mobility, futures, and multiple time-spaces.
- The ethnographic study of sexuality: practices, cultures, and stigma.
- Music in ethnography: looking in the mirror at ethnography of music.
- Slow Disasters: Epistemologies of Risk in Contested Domains.
- Multispecies ethnography: methods, results, and potential discussions.
- Sociomateriality and socio-technical assemblages.
- The times of welfare.
- Why Practices Become Form: Contemporary Arts in the Making.
- Parenting experiences and family practices.
- Studying up: dissecting the ethnography of wealth and power.
- Anticipating the unpredictable: logics, actors and techniques of preparedness.
- The Mediterranean as a laboratory of border externalization – Ethnographic perspectives from the South.
- Grounding Ethnography. Social struggles, fields of power, and research practices in Geography.
- Institutional Ethnography: a sociology with and for people.
- Towards a racialization of European space? Exploitation and resistance in agricultural economies.
Short video
If you like (we would like!), also send a short video talk (2 min. max.) to erq.ethno.conf.soc [at] It should not necessarily be a piece of what your proposed talk would be, but a sort of teaser trailer for it, and a piece of you too.
By sending the video, you thereby allow the organizing committee to upload the video at its discretion, in full or cut form, on the youtube channel of Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa.
The registration form will be active from Tuesday, March 14, 2023 to Wednesday, April 26, 2023.
Early bird - From March 14 to March 30
- Standard fee (full time employed scholars): € 150
- Reduced fee (PhD, unemployed/part-time scholars): € 95
- UniTn and Panel convenors: free
Late fee - From March 31 to April 26
- Standard fee (full time employed scholars): € 200
- Reduced fee (PhD, unemployed/part-time scholars): € 110
- UniTn and Panel convenors: free
Scientific Committee
- Chiara Bassetti (University of Trento)
- Elena Bougleux (University of Bergamo)
- Andrea Mubi Brighenti (University of Trento)
- Sebastiano Citroni (University of Insubria)
- Nick Dines (European University Institute)
- Giolo Fele (University of Trento)
- Elena Fontanari (University of Milano)
- Paola Gandolfi (University of Bergamo)
- Pier Paolo Giglioli (University of Bologna)
- Alberta Giorgi (University of Bergamo)
- Alessandra Gribaldo (University of Roma Tre)
- Marco Marzano (University of Bergamo)
- Cristina Mattiucci (University of Napoli “Federico II”)
- Gianmarco Navarini (University of Milano Bicocca)
- Francesca Pasquali (University of Bergamo)
- Domenico Perrotta (University of Bergamo)
- Federico Rahola (University of Genova)