
Dangerous ideas: at the cutting edge of our knowledge

Exploring Spatio-Temporal Mobility Patterns within the city structure
24 novembre 2023
Orario di inizio 
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Sala Stringa
Comunità universitaria
Ingresso libero con prenotazione
Riccardo Di Clemente - Network Science Institute, Northeastern London


Our mobility patterns are built upon the spatio-temporal dimensions linked to routines and commuting habits. Studying how people move around and the timing of their movements helps us identify the effects of urban mobility and interactions on social and economic levels.
Thanks to the introduction of passive data analytics, mobility patterns have been included in city-segregation studies, but they always provide a static view of the uneven distribution of social groups in physical space. 
In my talk, I will explore novel measures of urban interactions depending on the synchronicity of the citizens’ commuting patterns. I will describe how we captured the differences of the time-mobility habits during covid19 disruption. Our results indicate that different income-groups experienced and responded to Covid19 mobility policy differently, moreover asynchronous mobility patterns primarily due to the enforcement of mobility restriction policies and new working habits created during the pandemic.
Finally, I will present how citizens of different income group interact with the urban texture connecting their visitation time-patterns with the neighbourhood topology, analysing the social income-mixing at different time of the day. Our findings highlight the importance of understanding spatial and urban topology factors in addressing income segregation and inform policy-making.

C2S2 Seminars: Dangerous ideas: at the cutting edge of our knowledge

Il Center for Computational Social Sciences and Human Dynamics C2S2, istituito a settembre del 2021 con un accordo tra il Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, il Dipartimento di Economia e Management dell’Università di Trento e la Fondazione Bruno Kessler, e composto da un gruppo interdisciplinare di sociologi, informatici, economisti, statistici, psicologi sociali e comportamentali, filosofi, linguisti, umanisti con ambito di ricerca comune la computational social science e la data science.

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