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Is it all about gender? Analysing anti-gender and populist radical right discourses about feminist issues in Italy and Spain

22 gennaio 2025
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo di Sociologia - Via Verdi 26, Trento
Sala Riunioni 3° piano
Organizzato da: 
Co-ACT colloquium
Ingresso libero


Across Europe, anti-gender and populist radical right actors are increasingly embedded within institutional frameworks, shaping national policies in diverse contexts. This paper examines, first, how these actors understand and discuss feminism and feminist issues, and second, the ways in which they intertwine these constructions with other socio-political concerns, such as migration and LGBTQIA+ rights. Focusing on Spain and Italy—two countries with distinct gender regimes and gendered opportunity structures—we analyse parliamentary debates central to feminist and equality discourses in each context. Our comparative approach highlights the nuanced strategies used to mobilise anti-feminist rhetoric and their intersections with other key socio-political agendas.



Silvia Diaz Fernandez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Elena Pavan, Università di Trento


Marco Pernarella, Università di Trento

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Codice d’accesso/Access code:ZAn8T2


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