ERC HOMInG Project

Researching home and migration: questions, methods, prospects
5 giugno 2017
6 giugno 2017
5-6 June, 2017
Staff per la Comunicazione – Polo di Città

Divisione Comunicazione ed Eventi
Direzione Generale - Università degli Studi di Trento
via Calepina 14 - 38122 Trento, Italy
+39 0461 281809-3216
comunicazione-citta [at]

An international workshop within the ERC HOMInG Project

Home, as a social setting, experience, or category, has raised increasing attention in a number of research domains, including migration and its consequences in and across societies. This two-day workshop will enable in-depth, empirically-based conversation on the spatial, temporal, relational and emotional dimensions of home, under the influence of migration-driven displacement, re-placement, diversification and cross-border circulation. Consistent with the goals of the ERC HOMInG project, it will make for a cross-disciplinary, transnational and homely milieu for advancing research on the meanings, functions and implications of “home”. 

Registration fees

  • Researchers in a permanent position: Euro 70,00

  • Researchers in a non-permanent position, students, researchers from ISA "B" and "C" countries: Euro 50,00

The registration fee will be inclusive of lunch and coffee breaks on June 5 and 6, plus the workshop material. 

Upon registration you will have also the possibility to register for the social dinner, on June 5 in the evening, for Euro 35,00.

Online Registration

The online Registration is now open.

Per approfondimenti:

Organizing Commeette: Paolo Boccagni, Sara Bonfanti, Aurora Massa, Alejandro Miranda

Contacts and information: homing [at]

application/pdfLocandina(PDF | 506 KB)
application/pdfProgramma(PDF | 529 KB)