Seminars Cycle - Lectures NURAN EROL IŞIK

26 aprile 2016
27 aprile 2016
28 aprile 2016
26 - 27 - 28 aprile 2016
Segreteria Dipartimento di Sociologia Ricerca Sociale
Via Verdi, 26 - 38122 Trento
+39 0461 281322 - 281428


Portineria del Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale
Via Verdi, 26 I - 38122 Trento
tel. +39 0461 281300
portineria.sociologia [at]

Venue: Department of Sociology and Social Research, via Verdi, 26 - Trento, Meeting Room – III Floor

    (Izmir University of Economics, Turkey)

Tuesday 26th of April 2016

Pictures from a field research in Eastern Anatolia: revisiting emic/etic narratives


Wednesday 27th of April 2016

Tv drama as a narrative form: scenes from a gendered and a sacralized cultural sphere in Turkish society


Thursday 28th of April 2016

Rhetorical analysis and the media


Nuran Erol Işık is a Professor of Sociology at Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey. Her works in political sociology, sociology of media, and cultural studies investigate problems at the intersections of culture, society, and media. Popular culture, popular religion, and language are some of the themes of her research.

La professoressa Nuran Erol è disponibile, previo contatto email, a incontrare gli studenti e i ricercatori interessati per un colloquio. Si prega inviare un messaggio a nuran.erol [at]

application/pdfPoster 'Lectures Nuran Erol Isik_26,27,28 04 2016.pdf(PDF | 482 KB)