Temporalities of Violence and Peace
My talk will explore the significance of time and temporality in understanding violence, conflict and peacebuilding.
Recently, there has been growing attention to the temporalities of conflict and to the ways in which time shapes transitional processes, to which my work has contributed. I will demonstrate the uses and importance of a temporal approach through examining findings from a number of research projects in Kenya and South Africa around experiences of transitional justice in Kenya, “post”-conflict dynamics in South Africa and temporalities of climate change and violence.
Natasha Müller-Hirth - Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen)
Dr Natascha Natasha Müller-Hirth is a political sociologist and Associate Dean for Research at Robert Gordon University in Scotland.
Her research seeks to understand how people experience and resist violence, conflict and marginalisation, utilising qualitative methodologies to examine issues around gender, informality and environmental change.
Natascha has published articles on subjects such as the politics of time and temporality in transitional justice, peacebuilding, gender-based violence and development, focusing particularly on South Africa and Kenya. She is co-editor of Time and Temporality in Transitional and Post-Conflict Societies and co-author of The Sociology of Everyday Life Peacebuilding and has recently won an impact award for her work (with Sarah Pedersen and Leia Miller) on the policing of gender-based violence in remote and rural areas of Scotland (2023).