Careers Day and Official Launch of the School of International Studies Alumni Network (SISAN)

18 dicembre 2014
18 December, 2014
Scuola di Studi Internazionali - Program Office
Via Tommaso Gar, 14 I-38122 Trento
+39 0461 283125
+39 0461 283152

This day-long event will bring together Professionals, Alumni, Faculty and current students. In addition to celebrating the official launch of the Alumni Network, the aim of the event is to present opportunities, provide advice and answer students’ myriad questions regarding the options available to them both nationally and internationally, after graduation. At the School we consider good careers guidance, be it from Academics, Professionals or Alumni, a fundamental part of the programme.

The whole event will be available as a video conference.

If you can’t be with us in person, you can sign up watch us and chat live via Adobe Connect or follow the streaming and post comments and questions on the Facebook page and tweet   about the event.
Adobe Connect:
Streaming: mms://

08.45 - 09.15 REGISTRATION


Morning Session

09.15 - 09.30

Words of Welcome - Luisa Antoniolli, Director, School of International Studies

Introduction - Kate Riley, Conference Committee Chair

09.30 - 11.00 - Panel Session 1: Experts from NGOs

Chair: Matteo Borzaga

  • Hannah Bryce - International Security Department, Chatham House
  • Alda Cappelletti - Head of Mission for South Sudan - INTERSOS
  • Paola Delrio – Department for Emigration and International Solidarity, Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT)
11.00 - 11.30 - Coffe break

11.30 - 13.00 - Panel Session 2: Experts from Governmental Organisations

Chair: Paolo Foradori

  • Carlo Trezza - Ambassador, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; outgoing Chairman of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)
  • Natalja Montefusco - Communication Officer, European Commission Representation in Italy
  • Fabio Graziosi - Desk Officer, United Nations Regional Information Centre, Brussels

13.00 - 14.00 - Lunch and individual discussions with experts (Foyer)


Afternoon Session

14.00 - 16.00 - Alumni (aMEISing) Stories: international careers

Chair: Andrea Fracasso

Moderator: Paolo Foradori

  • Maddalena Dalì - Permanent Officer, Environment DG, EU Commission *
  • Clelia Calabrò - European Voluntary Service, Nes Ammim, Israel*
  • Alice Rubini - Junior Diplomat, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Sergio Zanotti - Legal Department, LG Electronics Italia
  • Giada Tu Than - Evaluation and Project Manager, IBF International Consulting
  • Rafael Moser - Technical Advisor, Sustainable Development Unit UNDP Brazil*

* via video link

16.00 - 16.15 - Coffee break

16.15 - 17.45 - Alumni stories: an academic career

Chair: Irene Costantini -SIS PhD student

Moderator: Kate Riley

  • Matia Vannoni - University College London
  • Tommaso Milani - London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Lorenzo Piccoli - European University Institute
  • Serena Natile - University of Kent
  • Elsje Fourie – University of Maastricht *

* via video link

18.00 - 19.00 - The Alumni Network - from idea to initiative to action

Introduction: Matteo Borzaga

Chairs: Matteo Borzaga, Kate RIley

Brainstorming session:

  • What kind of network do we want?
  • Who will be doing what?

Evening Events - Foyer

19.15 - 19.45 Celebrations

  • Official Launch of the Alumni Network - Paolo Collini, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Learning and Former Director of the School of International Studies
  • 10 Years of the PhD Programme - Jens Woelk, Coordinator PhD in International Studies
  • Christmas Greetings - Luisa Antoniolli, Director, School of International Studies

19.45 - 21.30 Time to Network

  • Mingle as you munch on a light Buffet