Police cooperation in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: situated insights from cross-border police cooperation
Where: Zoom Platform, h. 14.15
Police cooperation in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: situated insights from cross-border police cooperation.
Policing scholars writing in the 90s sustained that studying the technicalities of police cooperation in Europe allows them to engage with changing forms of political life (e.g. Anderson et. al 1995). After an introductory outline of developments in EU legislation in the field of police cooperation, this lecture concentrates on bilateral forms of cooperation, anchored in the TFEU and CISA, and specifically on cross-border police cooperation (CBPC) between member states that share a common border. Border-regions enable special forms of cooperation, from operational cooperation to information exchange. Finally, the lecture will highlight the increased entanglement of CBPC with the policing of differential mobility rights within the Schengen area. From an analytical perspective at the crossroad of social science and law, emphasis will be given on how plural legal orders (plural in scale and policy field) enable and constrain policing powers across neighbouring border-regions and how situated practices can lead to novel forms of governance. Whilst it would be farfetched to speak of a ‘freedom of circulation’ for police, CBPC in practice and regulation indeed concerns mobilities of police officers and of police information beyond a state’s jurisdiction. A focus on CBPC allows situated insights into ongoing reconfigurations at the heart of legal and political orders within processes of European integration in the field of internal security.
Monika Weissensteiner - Utrecht University and University of Hamburg
Monika Weissensteiner has carried out her PhD studies as Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Fellow in Cultural and Global Criminology. She has a MA degree in social anthropology and is currently co-convenor of the EASA Anthropology of Security Network. In the past, she has carried out internship placements with the EU Agency responsible for law-enforcement training (CEPOL) and with the Italian Comando Truppe Alpine. Research interest: legal and medical anthropology, security-migration-crime (control) nexi, law enforcement and military, border and im/mobility studies, visual scholarship. Prior qualitative research concerned civil-military interactions (NATO CIMIC), the production of medico-legal evidence of torture and the usage thereof within asylum determination processes, and CEAS policy.
The lecture draws on her PhD dissertation on cross-border police cooperation (2020), based on a multi-sited study that combined fieldwork with border-region police officers and an exhaustive analysis of legislation and policy.
To register please fill in the application form within 19 April, 23.59