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Mathematics for Planetary Defense

Specific Seminar - Curriculum 3
16 maggio 2024
Orario di inizio 
Organizzato da: 
National PhD Programme - Space Science and Technology - SST
Comunità universitaria
Prof. Giovanni Pratesi
National PhD in Space Science and Technology - Secretariat
+39 0461 281504


Prof. Giacomo Tommei, University of Pisa - Department of Mathematics


Planetary defense consists of monitoring and protecting the Earth from dangers coming from space, including asteroids and comets. Mathematics is fundamental in such activity, through the Orbit Determination (OD) and Impact Monitoring (IM) tools. 
In this lecture we will focus on the mathematical methods to perform the OD and IM of Near-Earth Objects, highlighting the challenges for the future and showing some insights from the Hera mission.


•    L. Bedini, G. Tommei, New Yarkovsky drift detections using astrometric observations of NEAs, Experimental Astronomy, Volume 57, 4 (2024)
•    Milani, S.R. Chesley, M.E. Sansaturio, G. Tommei and G.B. Valsecchi, Nonlinear impact monitoring: Line of Variation searches for impactorsv, ICARUS, Volume 173, Issue 2 (Febbraio), pp. 362-384 (2005)
•    Milani and G.F. Gronchi, Theory of orbit determination, CUP (2010)
•    M. Mochi, G. Tommei, New tools for the optimized follow-up of imminent impactors, Universe 7(1), 10 (2021)
•    G. Tommei, On the Impact Monitoring of Near-Earth Objects: mathematical tools, algorithms and challenges for the future, Universe 7(4), 103 (2021)

Online Attendance

Zoom Linkhttps://unitn.zoom.us/j/87994614839?pwd=cEtlZER1dlZiTnNJWjRCQldpSm03QT09
Meeting ID: 879 9461 4839
Passcode: 345592


In cooperation with




The Trento International School on Observation of the Earth and of the Universe (TISOEU) is an educational facility focused on the Sciences of the Earth and the Universe. It realizes initiatives for the scientific community, for undergraduate and doctoral students, as well as for stakeholders.

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