Anche per il presente anno accademico il DEM organizza un ciclo di seminari "interni" del DEM, in programma il mercoledì (secondo il calendario di seguito), nello slot orario 13.00 - 14.30, presso la Sala Seminari al I piano: NB: il programma potrebbe subire qualche modifica.
26 ottobre, ore 13.45 (Sala Seminari I piano)
Relatore: Clementina Crocè
Titolo: Does knowing HIV status affect migration decisions? Evidence from randomised testing in Malawi
There is limited research on the health selection of migrants. This paper explores whether individuals self-select into migration according to the knowledge of their HIV status. Using data from randomised HIV testing in Malawi, I find that knowing to be HIV-negative reduces mobility for women but not for men. The potential mechanisms for these findings are related to marriage and risk-aversion: testing negative may prevent both union dissolution and consequent migration for partnered women, while it may lower risk-tolerance for adverse selection in the marriage market and then may delay marriage migrations for unpartnered women. Hence, results show unintended consequences of HIV testing in a context in which HIV, migration and marriage are intertwined..
16 novembre 2022, ore 13.00 (Sala Seminari I piano)
Relatore: Roberto Tamborini
Titolo: The Euro ZOne as an inflation target zone
In the revised monetary policy strategy of the European Central Bank (ECB), "price stability is best maintained by aiming for two per cent inflation over the medium term", with "symmetric commitment" to this target. "Symmetry means that the Governing Council considers negative and positive deviations from this target as equally undesirable". In this article, we therefore analyse this policy strategy through a model of inflation target zone, with a central value and symmetric upper and lower bounds on inflation, within which the central bank may decide not to intervene, provided inflation is expected to fluctuate around the central value. We show that the policy benefits guaranteed by a target zone can be dissipated if market agents are uncertain about its width.
18 gennaio 2023, ore 13.00 (AULA 3F)
Relatore: Sergei Kichko
Titolo: How the rise of teleworking will reshape labor markets and cities
In recent years the land-rent gradient for the city of London has flattened by 17 percentage points. Further, teleworking has increased 24 percentage point for skilled workers, but much less for unskilled workers. To rationalize these stylized facts, we propose a model of the monocentric city with heterogeneous workers and teleworking. Skilled workers, working in final goods production, can telework while unskilled workers, working in either final goods or local services production, cannot. We show that increased teleworking flattens the land-rent gradient, and eventually skilled workers move from the city center to the city's periphery, fundamentally changing the city structure. The increased teleworking has implications for unskilled workers who move from the local services sector into final goods, leading to greater wage inequality between skilled and unskilled workers. The model is extended to two cities which differ in productivity. Teleworking allows skilled workers of the more productive city to reside in the less productive city where housing is cheaper. This increases housing prices in the less productive city, relative to the more productive city, and has implications for unskilled workers in both cities. We provide empirical evidence from housing prices in England which is consistent with this result.
8 marzo 2023, ore 15.00 (Sala Conferenze)
Speakers: Bruno Dallago and Sara Casagrande
Discussant: Andrea Bonoldi and Klaudijo Klaser
Titolo: The distinct role and mission of comparative economic systems. An introduction to the Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economic Systems
Recent events showed how difficult may be to explain and predict the working of economies when countries have different institutional architectures and when unforeseen factors and events play a significant role. The twists of globalization, the transformation of Central-Eastern Europe, the emergence of new economic powers, the international financial crisis, the intricacy of European integration, COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing crisis spurred by the Russian invasion of Ukraine are just the most visible events that raise questions on the ability of traditional theories and models to provide suitable explanations, let alone express policy and institutional intervention to modify unsatisfactory trends or avoid potential dangers. These observations hold at both macroeconomic and micro economic levels, and extend to various areas beyond economics. In spite of analytic progress, abundant supply with sophisticated theories, availability of big data and detailed knowledge, understanding and managing the world appears to be difficult, because it is hard to understand and explain the features and predict processes of a highly complex, interconnected and globalized world. All this requires that the traditional economic view is reconsidered and complemented. In particular, a more open attitude should be taken towards new issues and approaches and more attention should paid to the interconnectedness of economic factors and variables and the varieties of economic systems. The study of comparative economic systems can contribute to economics a better knowledge of the nature, working and role of the economic system, meant as the stable interconnected set of institutions and the way its features are embedded in economic and social agents. The comparative approach offers an invaluable approach and method to better understand the existing economic world and predict the new world in the making.
22 marzo 2023, ore 14.00 (Sala Seminari I piano)
Relatore: Arafet Farroukh
Titolo: Innovation for Development: Blockchain and Community Currency " Ourvillage Cameroon"
The project examines the potential of blockchain technology and fintech for the implementation of community currencies in Ourvillage, a rural community in Cameroon. Community currencies have been gaining traction in many parts of the world as a means to strengthen local economies and promote social cohesion. However, the implementation of such currencies has often been hindered by technical, logistical, and regulatory challenges.
Blockchain technology, with its decentralized and secure nature, offers a promising solution to many of these challenges. By using blockchain-based platforms, community currencies can be created, managed, and exchanged in a transparent and secure manner, without relying on intermediaries such as banks. Furthermore, fintech innovations such as mobile payments and digital wallets can make it easier for community members to access and use community currencies.
We develop in this project a blockchain-based community currency system for Ourvillage, which leverages the unique characteristics of the community, such as its social networks and trust relationships. We discuss the technical and logistical considerations for the implementation of the system, including the design of the blockchain-based platform, the integration with existing payment systems, and the use of fintech innovations.
Finally, we analyze the potential impact of the community currency system on the local economy and society, highlighting the opportunities and challenges that may arise. We argue that the implementation of a blockchain-based community currency system in Ourvillage, supported by fintech innovations, has the potential to enhance economic resilience, promote social cohesion, and foster sustainable.
19 aprile 2023, ore 13.45 (Sala Seminari I piano)
Relatore: Roberto Tamborini
Titolo: Inflation surprises in a New Keynesian economy with a true consumprion function
The resurgence of inflation since late 2021 is now accompanied by a reversal of prospects of growth, reviving fears of stagflation across the world (IMF 2022, World Bank 2022). In almost all accounts of the mounting stagflation threats, a prominent role is played by the fall of households' purchasing power, and hence consumption, due to the inflation shock vis-à- vis lagging nominal wages. This paper addresses the theoretical puzzle as to why this endogenous real income effect of inflation surprises, independent of restrictive monetary policy, is not present in the standard New Keynesian models for monetary policy. The paper shows how this channel can be introduced by reformulating the consumption function, with the consequence that it endogenously exerts a stabilisation effect on inflation. By means of simulations the paper discusses the main monetary policy implication: what is the role left to monetary policy intended to curb inflation in the same way?
12 luglio 2023, ore 14.00 (Sala Seminari I piano)
Relatore: Leonardo Rinaldi
Titolo: An Accounting Professor's Journey: navigating the realm of research, teaching, and leadership