Lunedì, 8 aprile 2024

What's new on UniTrento ER+ ICM

Stay up to date on the latest events of the UniTrento ICM projects and useful information for mobility and project management

Versione stampabile

This page is constantly updated, please consider checking it frequently.


Mobility 2023/2024 Spring Semester/Full academic year

In this spring semester, we are glad to host 28 international students coming from Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Japan, Thailand, Ukraine and Vietnam. 

They are going to carry out their studies in the fields of Biology, Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, Information Engineering and Computer Science, Economics and Management, Law, Humanities, Sociology  and Psychology and Cognitive Science. 

Moreover 13 students took part to UniTrento Winter Schools thank you to an Erasmus+ ICM grant and 12 have already been nominated for the next Summer Schools.

We wish you all a fruitful experience in Trento!

Future Students

Nomination within the ICM 2022 and ICM 2023 project for Fall Semester 2024/2025 are now open. Deadline May 15.  


Academic Staff

This semester we had the opportunity to host 2 professors within the ICM 2023 project coming from Albania and Israel. They carried out their activities in the fields of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering and Information Engineering and Computer Science

In the next months, we are going to host 10 professors from Algeria, Argentina, Japan, Cambodia and Vietnam to carry out their activities in the fields of Information Engineering and Computer Science and Psychology and Cognitive Science an d in the framework of the Summer School "From Data to Humans: (re)Tracing Artificial Intelligence (D2H-AI)". 

Moreover, UniTrento has organized 6 outgoing mobility for teaching reserved for 2 of our professors to Thailand in the fields of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology, and Sociology and Social Research and 2 to South Africa (Stellenbosch University). The other two mobilities are towards Algeria and Japan, in the fields of Information Engineering and Computer Science. 
These mobilities are of great value because they give an opportunity to further strengthen the cooperation between partners and to enhance the quality and internationalisation of the academic offer, therefore we thank our guests for their valuable contribution. 

Administrative Staff

The University of Trento is also delighted to welcome six participants from our ICM partnership to the 2024 International Staff Week, themed "The Dice of Internationalization: Faces of Student Engagement", taking place from May 5th to May 9th, 2024. For further details and information, please refer to the dedicated page.

UniTrento ICM Network Events

Next Events

  • Kick off Event: the mobility office is holding a welcome event for the incoming students. The activities will include a city tour and an evening spent together to get to know each other. 
  • Stay tuned! We are planning more events for you in June! 

UniTrento ICM Network

  • We kindly invite UniTrento ICM grantees and administrative and academic referent persons and staff to join our LinkedIn group UniTrento Er+ ICM Network to share opportunities and to stay up-to-date about current initiatives. 

Past events

  • Staff Kick off Meeting: this event was held on the 12th of October 2023 and it was divided in two sessions to ensure and accomodate the partecipation of all our 30 partners whom we thank for their presence and their active involvement. All the material used during the meeting is availabe on the project's shared Drive file.
  • Green Event: In order to raise awareness among our international students on the importance of adopting sustainable behaviors to reduce environmental impact on the city, we held a snowshoeing session on Saturday 16th of December 2023. 

About the project

ICM 2024

We are proud to announce that the mobility project Erasmus+ ICM 2024-2027 has been submitted. 
We are planning to invest our funds in 5 geographic areas: South Mediterranean Countries: Israel, Algeria and Tunisia, Asia: Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Cambodia and Japan, Middle East: United Arab Emirates, Pacific: Australia and Latin America: Colombia and Mexico 

ICM 2023

The ICM 2023 project is ongoing. We are glad for having built a fruitful collaboration with our Partner Universities. 
The nominations are now open. 

ICM 2022

The ICM 2022 project is ongoing. We are glad for having built a fruitful collaboration with our Partner Universities. 
The nominations are now open.

ICM 2020

We are proud to have succeeded in carrying out this mobility experience that involved 175 people: 89 students and 86 staff members. 
Despite the difficult period caused by the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian-conflict, we were able to use 90% of our budget, reporting the full satisfaction of our participants. Project's results will be soon available in the project's webpage

Know more about...

... our incoming students

Winter School 2024

'Attending DecolHeri Winter school at UniTrento was a transformative experience. It provided a vital platform for engaging in critical dialogue, challenging traditional perspectives, and exploring innovative approaches to understanding and preserving cultural heritage. The diverse range of topics covered and the dynamic exchange of ideas amongst participants truly underscored the importance of decolonising heritage practices in creating more inclusive and equitable narratives for future generations'

'It was the best two weeks in Italy, where I made many friends, had unforgettable experiences and impressions. I fell in love with these landscapes and the city. The school was interesting and incredibly impressive'

'Loved the interaction, the learning, the discussions, the aperitivos, and the meals at the canteen with students from all over the world, so enriching!'