The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences of the University of Cagliari (DSCG-UNICA), jointly with the Italian Association of Remote Sensing (AIT), in cooperation with the Italian Space Agency (ASI) organises the SECOND edition of the International Remote Sensing Summer School: Experiencing Remote Sensing on Sardinia inland site: Advanced summer school on instruments and methodology for a CAL/VAL site for Optical data.
During the school, through the collection of radiometric, atmospheric and topographic data from direct measures and proximal sensing (field spectroradiometer, optical, thermal, and Lidar sensors from UAVs), the site will be characterised, and its candidature discussed. The geologic and physiographic description of the site will be explained, and the collection of the rock/mineral samples for spectral characterisation will be proposed. The school will introduce the students to the principles of radiometric data processing through guided activities into the handling and understanding of the data collected in the field.
The School is organised in 5 days of activities. The school is open to early career scientists or employers, such as Ph.D. students, young post-doctoral scientists, technicians with base knowledge in Earth Sciences and Remote Sensing disciplines, wishing to expand and improve their skills in EO.
Deadline for registration: TBC