Tuesday, 21 October 2014

CIMeC hosts young "students-researchers"

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30 High School students came in contact with the world of scientific research through CIMEC - Mind/Brain Centre  of the University of Trento.

The Liceo Rosmini High School, in Rovereto, organised with some IV classes the course “The Researcher: turn one’s skills into action“.
The initiative involved students on a voluntary basis, after the regular school schedule. After an initial theoretical phase, to make students understand the research activity, individual traineeships were carried out by students during the summer.

 CIMEC hosted 7 students, divided into 2 groups. The activity was coordinated by Elisabetta Versace, of the Animal Cognition Lab of CiMEC and carried out in cooperation with the Civic Museum of Rovereto. Rosa Salva (CIMEC) and Gionata Stancher (Civic Museum) were also involved in the activity.

The two traineeships
The first group of students carried out their traineeship at the new labs at the Manifattura Borgo Sacco (Rovereto). They studied chicks and in particular their innate predisposition to prefer animate organisms rather than inanimate.
The second group focused their ethologic observations on the turtles of the  Ethology, Ecology and Evolution Laboratory (EEE Lab).

How was the experience?
“All students learned how to read and interpret a scientific article. They participated in the collection and processing of data, got acquainted with the research systems and debating on research and ethology, therefore really ‘experiencing’ the core of the scientific method”, tells Elisabetta Versace. “The project coordinator, Claudio Gambaretto, professor at the Liceo Rosmini, updated us on the positive remarks of students regarding the carried out activity. Although they still do not know what they will do in their future, this experience brought them closer to science and to our work”.
The programme was varied and allowed students to experience the emotion of discovery. This was useful to motivate them and stimulate the passion for the adventure of scientific research.