Industrial Innovation Day 2023
The PhD programme in Industrial Innovation organizes the Industrial Innovation Day 2023, a networking opportunity for students and companies
Local companies that are interested in promoting research and development activities with students and PhD students supervised by the professors and researchers of the University of Trento and the Bruno Kessler Foundation are invited to participate.
Registration for the event is optional.
14.00 – Registration of participants
14.30 – Welcome address and presentation of the PhD progarmme in Industrial Innovation
15:00 – Presentation of three ongoing projects
16:45 – Final aperitif offered by Trentino Sviluppo, networking and, on request, guided visit to the LIVE Demo SMACT and ProM Facility at Polo Meccatronica.
The PhD programme in Industrial Innovation brings together the Departments of Information Engineering and Computer Science (Disi) and Industrial Engineering (Dii) of UniTrento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Fbk).
This interdisciplinary programme benefits from the collaboration with the Departments of Physics, Economics and Management (Dem), and Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM) of the University of Trento.
Its objective is to train technological innovation experts who will hold management positions in the industrial sector. A key element of the programme are partner companies, that propose research topics in line with their innovation needs and are involved in the definition of study plans.
The students specialize in technological and scientific aspects in the various fields of Enterprise 4.0 and acquire innovation management capabilities and soft skills.