Open-BUC | Open-Book
17.30 pm
Where: Central University Library, “Le Albere”, via Adalberto Libera - Trento
The new Biblioteca Universitaria Centrale is much more than an ordinary library, it is also a place where people can meet and discuss.
The University of Trento intends to promote this service through a series of lectures with its Professors, who will present their books to students and citizens, everyone can attend. Lectures range from ethology to history of inventions, from Iceland to parenthood to human smuggling.
Next event:
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
- Andrea Di Nicola, Professor at the Faculty of Law
Confessioni di un trafficante di uomini
(with Giampaolo Musumeci, Chiarelettere)
Full programme:
Thursday, 12 January 2017
- Giorgio Vallortigara, Professor at the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences - CIMeC
Piccoli equivoci tra noi animali. Siamo sicuri di capirci con le altre specie?
(with Lisa Vozza, Zanichelli)
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
- Massimiano Bucchi, Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research
Per un pugno di idee. Storie di innovazioni che hanno cambiato la nostra vita (A fistful of ideas)
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
- Claudio Giunta, Professor at the Department of Humanities
Tutta la solitudine che meritate. Viaggio in Islanda
(with Giovanna Silva, Quodlibet)
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
- Paola Venuti, Professor at the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science
Genitorialità. Fattori biologici e culturali dell’essere genitori
(with Marc H. Bornstein, Il Mulino)
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
- Giorgio Daidola, Professor at the department of Economics and Management
Ski spirit. Sciare oltre le piste
(Alpine Studio)
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
- Andrea Di Nicola, Professor at the Faculty of Law
Confessioni di un trafficante di uomini
(with Giampaolo Musumeci, Chiarelettere)
Free admission. Reservation is recommended (book online)
Further information:
eventiunitn [at]
- Incontro Claudio Giunta - 22 febbraio 2017 (PDF | 743 KB)
- Incontro Massimiano Bucchi - 8 febbraio 2017 (PDF | 599 KB)
- Incontro Giorgio Daidola - 22 marzo 2017 (PDF | 605 KB)
- Incontro Andrea Di Nicola - 4 aprile (PDF | 639 KB)
- Incontro Giorgio Vallortigara - 12 gennaio 2017 (PDF | 555 KB)
- Incontro Paola Venuti - 8 marzo 2017 (PDF | 573 KB)