V Edition of the Trento Antitrust Conference

16 April 2015
17 April 2015
18 April 2015
April 16-18, 2015

Venue: Faculty of Law, Via Rosmini 27, Trento (Italy) - Room 1

The Conference is organized by the Trento Faculty of Law and the Osservatorio Permanente sull’Applicazione delle Regole di Concorrenza (“Antitrust Observatory”) founded and directed by Michele Carpagnano and Gian Antonio Benacchio.

The event is supported by the Italian Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, the French Autoritè de la Concurrence and the Luxembourg Conseil de la Concurrence.

The conference is addressed to National Judges, Academics, In-house Legal Counsels, Attorneys, Economists, students and to everyone is interested in EU Competition Law and its enforcement.

The main topics of the Conference are:

  • Global-Local Competition Law enforcement: rights protection, challenges and opportunities;
  • The transposition of the Directive on damages actions and Recommendation on collective redress;
  • Competition enforcement in action: sectors of intervention and new frontiers.

On Saturday, April 18, it will take place the workshop of the Antitrust Observatory’s team. The event is also open to non-members who are interested in finding out more about the Observatory’s actual and future activities.

Scientific commitee:

  • Gian Antonio Benacchio, University of Trento
  • Michele Carpagnano, University of Trento
  • Bruno Lasserre, President Autorité de la Concurrence
  • Aldo Frignani, University of Turin
  • Roberto Pardolesi, LUISS, Rome

Scientific Direction of the Antitrust Case Law Database:

  • Massimo Scuffi, Magistrate of the Court of Cassation, President of the Court of Aosta
  • Marina Tavassi, Magistrate of the Court of Cassation - President of the Special Section of Court of Milan on enterprises

Follow us on Twitter:  @ossarc
Live Tweet:  #TrentoAntitrust2015


Thursday 16 April 2015

14.15 Welcome speech and official greetings:
Giuseppe Nesi, Dean, Faculty of Law, Trento University
Innocenzo Cipolletta, President, Trento University

Opening speech:
Gian Antonio Benacchio


First panel
Global-Local competition law enforcement:  rights protection, challenges and opportunities

Moderators: Giovanni Pitruzzella and Antonio Gambaro 

Gabriella Muscolo, Member of the Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato
D'Ormesson Olivier, Membre de l'Autorité de la Concurrence
Frederic Jenny, OECD
Mattia Melloni, Conseiller, Conseil de la Concurrence Luxembourg

Coffee break

Vito Cozzoli, Head of the Secretariat of the Ministry for Economic Development
Maria Pilar Canedo, Presidente Autoridad Vasca de Defensa de la Competencia
Andreas Klafki, Head of Unit Competition Policy and Law, Brandenburg State Cartel Authority
Luigi Prosperetti, Milan University


*The participation to the organized dinners is optional and provides an additional fee of 50 euros for each dinner.

Friday 17 april 2015


Second panel
The trasposition of private enforcement directive and recommendation on collective redress. Where are we? Developments of private enforcement in the EU and Member States

Moderators: Marina Tavassi and Massimo Scuffi

Luke Haasbeek, European Commission
Mario Libertini, Rome University
Alberto Toffoletto, Milan University
Paolo Buccirossi, Lear

11.30 Coffee break

Arianna Andreangeli, Edinburgh University
Muriel Chagny, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
Antonio Creus, Attorney in Madrid
Paolo Martinello, Altroconsumo

13.30 Buffet

Third panel
Competition protection in action: fields of intervention and new frontiers

Moderators: Roberto Chieppa and Michele Carpagnano

Andrea Pezzoli, Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato
Vito Meli, Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato
Ginevra Bruzzone, Assonime
Josef Bejček, Masaryk University
Paolo Palmigiano, ICLA - In House Competition Lawyers’ Association

17.00 Coffee break
Miguel Perez Guerra, Google
Alvaro Ramos, Cisco
Ciro Favia, Enel
Francisco Marcos, Instituto de Empresa University
Sacha d'Ecclesiis, Attorney in Rome

Closing of the Conference


**The participation to the organized dinners is optional and provides an additional fee of 50 euros for each dinner.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Workshop of the Antitrust Observatory


The session will be coordinated by: Michele Carpagnano and Gian Antonio Benacchio 

Speeches by:
Lionel Lesur, The Antitrust Observatory activities in France and Luxembourg
Julia Suderow, The Antitrust Observatory activities in Spain
Claudia Desogus, The Antitrust Observatory activities in Italy
Claudio Lombardi, The Antitrust Observatory activities in the UK
Paola Rubiano, The Antitrust Observatory activities in Latin America
Roberto Cervone, ITACA project on EU Collective Redress: developments
Edoardo Cazzato, Antitrust Counters
Francesca Ienca, Antitrust Calendar
Laetitia Bourgeix, Team meetings & events
Andrea Piffer, Web page developments
Michele Carpagnano, Developments on Antitrust Case Law Data-Base

13.00  Buffet

The Congress will be held in Room 1 of the Faculty of Law, which is located at via Rosmini, 27, Trento. The Faculty of Law is in the city centre, a few steps away from the main square, Piazza Duomo, and 10 minutes by foot from the railway station. Follow via Pozzo to Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore, then turn left onto via Rosmini. Lecture Room 1 can be reached from via Rosmini, 27.
For more information on Trento: www.apt.trento.it

Registration fee

Accademic Program: € 250,00 per participant (Early bird registration before February 27th 2015: € 200,00)

Accademic Program + 2 Conference dinners: € 350,00 per participant (Early bird registration before February 27th 2015: € 300,00)

For the payment of the registration fee please follow specific instructions directly on the application on line.
Free admission to the congress is granted to: students, university professors, researchers, Ph.D. students, magistrates, public administration officials and Antitrust Observatory staff.
Registration is required also in case of free admission

The participation to the 2 Conference dinners is optional and subject to an additional fee of  € 100.

ECTS credits

The Bar Association of Trento is establishing that the congress corresponds to 14 ECTS credits. The Organizational Secretariat will issue a certificate of participation.

Working languages

The Congress will be held in Italian and a two-way simultaneous translation service into English will
be provided


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