Open day at the University Language Centre

12 February 2020
12 February 2020

Where and when

Where: CLA-University Language Centre, via Verdi 8, Trento
When: a range of events will take place during the day, from 9.30 to 16.30


Find out how to learn a foreign language, how to reach the proficiency level required by your programme of study, how to pass your exams.

The University Language Centre is organizing an open day event to present its services in the area of language learning. The participants will receive precious information on courses, language levels, learning methods, how to prepare for an exam, how to participate in an international exchange programme. 

And that is just the beginning.

During the day, teachers of English, French, German, Spanish, Arab, Russian, Italian as a second language, will guide students through different activities on how to prepare for a language exam, how to obtain language certificates, on short courses focused on one particular subject, like oral expression for example, and on how to learn languages.
There will be role playing exercises, language corners, and you will have the chance to try tandem language learning, language speed dating, take a job interview in a foreign language and to understand how full immersion in another language can help you train your cognitive, relational and operational skills. 





The full programme is available in the download box.


progetticla [at] (subject: Porte%20Aperte%20CLA%202020)

application/pdfProgram "CLA Open Day", 12 February 2020(PDF | 766 KB)
application/pdfAbstract (in italian)(PDF | 7 MB)