
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship: getting it and getting through

PI Stories 2022
14 March 2022
Start time 
1:00 pm
Zoom platform
Doctoral Programme in Information Engineering and Computer Science
Target audience: 
University community
Online – Registration required
Registration deadline: 
14 March 2022, 12:00
Contact details: 
Doctoral Programme in Information Engineering and Computer Science
Paolo Aversa, Bayes Business School, University of London

The MSC Fellowship represents a unique and prestigious opportunity for scholars from all disciplines, and it has offered a viable springboard for many emerging social scientists. However, an MSC Fellowship also entails several challenges, which start with the increasing difficulty to obtain the research grant, to the complexity of managing the project while maximising its benefits for the fellow’s career. This seminar will focus on three main aspects:

  1. Introducing the EU MSC Individual Fellowship and understanding how these are different from other kind of research appointments;
  2. Providing a set of brief guidelines to prepare the submission to the MSC Fellowship;
  3. Offering a set of suggestions to maximize one’s efforts during the MSC Fellowship.

The seminar will see the participation of two MSC Fellows: Dr Paolo Aversa (Bayes Business School) and Dr Elena Bruni (LUISS and WU).

About the speaker

Paolo Aversa is Associate Professor of Strategy at Bayes Business School, City, University of London, where he also served as and Director of the Full Time MBA (2017-2021).  He holds visiting positions and honorary affiliations at Luxembourg School of Business, Bologna Business School, Stockholm School of Economics, University of Trento, University Ca’ Foscari Venice, and CUOA Business School.
His research concentrates on firm innovation and the evolution of industries and ecosystems. He focuses on technology-intensive settings to explore radical innovations, digital transformation, and business models. He is globally considered one of the leading academic experts in the motorsport and Formula 1 industry.
His works are published in Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Product Innovation Management. Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Industrial and Corporate Change, California Management Review, Long Range Planning, among others.
He is part of the editorial board of Organization Science and Academy of Management Discoveries – where he is also hosting a Special Forum on “Exploring the Modern Organizational Context Through the Lens of Sports”. He serves as officer and Communications Director of the STR Strategic Management division (Academy of Management).
He received more than 20 teaching, research and impact awards, including being listed among the World’s Best 40 under 40 Professors (Poets and Quants), and receiving a Marie-Curie Fellowship. His research featured more than 400 times in international media, including Financial Times, The Times, Sky, Forbes, and BBC.
Paolo Received his PhD from the University of Bologna, did his Post-Doc at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and his Marie-Curie Fellowship at Cass Business School, City University London.

Next story on 24 March, 11am-12pm: Methodologies for assessing the privacy risks and transparency of mobile applications by Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid.

Pi Stories: A series of seminars aimed at providing the opportunity to the PhD students to learn the success stories of some of the most talented researchers in the world. 
Each speaker will present a research project he/she led as a principal investigator. The presentation will cover the scientific scope of the project and the most important results the project achieved. The speakers will also share their own experience of turning a research idea into a successful project winning a competitive grant.