Friday, 31 July 2020

A donation for research from the Board of Industrial Experts

The Board raised donations to support Cibio in the Covid-19 emergency

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Gabriele Cassietti, president of the Board of Industrial Experts of Trento, and Stefano Tasin, secretary of the Board, have met with Rector Paolo Collini to deliver more than 3.500 euro that were donated from the members of the Board to support research and fund diagnostic activities to help the Provincial Healthcare Services

The pandemic and the global health crisis have led the Board of industrial experts of Trento to take action to support the efforts of the University in these difficult times.

Rector Paolo Collini expressed his gratitude for the fundraising and for the friendship of the Board, which has deep roots in the region and strong connections with the economic and manufacturing sectors and represents 1100 professionals. 

The meeting provided the occasion to discuss the collaboration between the Board of industrial experts and the University of Trento to design a three-year qualifying undergraduate degree programme to train young students for freelance work, the industrial and the business sectors.

From next spring in fact, to be a professional industrial expert you will have to have an undergraduate degree, as required by the law on the profession adopted in 2016.

The goal is to establish a fruitful collaboration with the local higher education system, to share efforts and resources in order to create new quality learning opportunities. The parties are exploring possible collaborations with other local entities and organizations and high schools to develop a full and qualifying education and training programme.