Friday, 18 October 2019

Best Paper Award at IPIN 2019

TALLA: Large-scale TDoA Localization with Ultra-wideband Radios

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The research team of Gian Pietro Picco, professor at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, won the Best Paper Award at the 10th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2019). The paper is based on the work of the Ph.D. students Davide Vecchia and Pablo Corbalán, and of the postdoc Dr. Timofei Istomin in the NG-UWB and D-TWIN projects, funded by MIUR (PRIN 2017) and EIT Digital, respectively. 

The prestigious IPIN conference is one of the few events entirely dedicated to systems and applications concerned with indoor localisation. This is an important field gaining increasing momentum, as witnessed by the significant  industry presence among the 250+ attendees and over 150 paper submissions of this year's edition.

The paper is concerned with ultra-wideband (UWB) radios, which offer precise (cm-level) distance estimation in addition to communication capabilities, and have been recently integrated in the new generation of the Apple iPhone. 
The paper proposes a novel distributed time synchronization scheme for time-difference-of-arrival (TDoA) localization, the mainstream one used today for UWB. The experimental results published significantly push the potential applicability of UWB, as they enable its use in very large areas (e.g., malls, museums) without additional and costly  infrastructure, and while maintaining very high accuracy.

More details
The paper TALLA: Large-scale TDoA Localization with Ultra-wideband Radios
IPIN 2019 awards 
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