Digital spaces: firms, platforms, ecosystems, and industries
Management scholars have recently focused on space and expanded research across different domains. In particular, considering the impact of computer-mediated communication (CMC) on organisational activities, studies have theorised the expansion of spaces from a physical dimension to a digital one.
The growing interest around the various facets of the construct of space calls for both fresh theoretical and practitioner-oriented research that advances our understanding of how digital technologies influence firms’ organisational space. The very concept of space can in fact define new challenges for managers, foster the development of heterogeneous competitive spaces, lead to the innovation of traditional business models, and contribute to the emergence of new industries.
We kindly invite scholars from various research domains (e.g., strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation and technology management, organisational behaviour, managerial engineering, supply chain management, and marketing) to submit their research proposals. The event is designed to promote and foster the development of multidisciplinary experiences.
Thursday, February 9
2.30pm - 3.00pm Welcome coffee + Registration
3.00pm - 3.15pm Welcome
3.15pm - 4.45pm Technologies, Industries and Spaces
4.45pm - 5.15pm Coffee break
5.15pm - 6.45pm Parallel Sessions
7.30pm - 10.00pm Social Dinner
Friday, February 10
09.00am - 10.30am Parallel Sessions
10.30am - 10.45am Coffee break
10.45am - 12.15pm Parallel Sessions
12.15pm - 1.00pm Meet the Editors: Academy of Management Journal – Journal of Management Studies
1.00pm - 2.30pm Networking Lunch
Call for Papers
Contributions must be sent to this email account: digitaltran [at]
Submission deadline extended to 20 January 2023 (CET)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: Monday, January 23, 2023 (CET)
Both full papers (in the range of 6,000-10,000 words) and extended abstracts (in the range of 3,000-3,500 words) are welcomed. Full articles only are eligible for the Best Paper Award. For more details, please see below.
The following submission guidelines apply:
- your contact details (full name, e-mail, post address and affiliation) and those of your co-author/s, if any
- the macro-tracks of your choice (Firms, Platforms and Ecosystems, Industries) to allow for a quicker allocation of your manuscript to reviewers and facilitate the design of the final program
- both full papers and extended abstracts should include: abstract, introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, results/findings, discussion, managerial contribution, and conclusions
- references in APA style
- files should have either the .pdf or the .doc extension
To register for the Conference all the attendees have to register at SIMA (Società Italiana di Management).
Fill in the Registration Form that you find in the Downloads and send it to: segreteria [at]
Registrations are open.
- Early bird - until 27th January
€ 195,00 - Late registration - until 3rd February
€ 225,00 - Last minute - from 4th February onwards
€ 275,00
The Organizing Committee cannot grant any extension deadlines for fee payment.
Payments should be done in favour of
Società Italiana di Management
Unicredit, Agenzia 149
IBAN: IT 10 S 02008 05089 000103056784
Reason for payment (Causale): Name and Family name, DIGITAL Conference Trento
Organizing Committee
- Andrea Caputo, University of Trento
- Giovanni Battista Dagnino, University of Rome LUMSA
- Alberto Nucciarelli, University of Trento
- Erica Santini, University of Trento
Scientific Committee
- Paolo Aversa, Bayes Business School, City, University of London
- Francesca Cabiddu, University of Cagliari
- Sandro Castaldo, Bocconi University
- Ignacio Danvila-del-Valle, Complutense University of Madrid
- Maria Della Lucia, University of Trento
- Alfredo De Massis, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen
- Stefano Denicolai, University of Pavia
- Angelo Di Gregorio, University of Milano Bicocca
- Sascha Kraus, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen
- Cristina Mele, University of Naples Federico II
- Arabella Mocciaro Li Destri, University of Palermo
- Alessandro Narduzzo, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen
- Michele Pizzo, University of Campania Vanvitelli
- Daniel Palacios-Marqués, University of Valencia
- Alberto Pastore, Sapienza University of Rome
- Riccardo Resciniti, Università del Sannio
- Sandro Trento, University of Trento
- Annalisa Tunisini, Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth
- Antonella Zucchella, University of Pavia
Keynote Speakers
Paolo Aversa is Full Professor of Strategy at Bayes Business School, City, University of London, where he served as Director of the Full Time MBA (2017-2021). His research concentrates on innovation and the evolution of industries and ecosystems. He focuses on technology-intensive settings to explore radical innovations, digital transformation, and business models. He is one of the main voices in the use of sports data for management research, and globally considered one of the leading academic experts in the motorsport and Formula 1 industry. His works are published in Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Research Policy, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Industrial and Corporate Change, California Management Review, Enterprise & Society, and Long Range Planning, among others. He serves as Associate Editor of Journal of Management Studies, in the editorial board of Organization Science and Academy of Management Discoveries, for which he is also guest-editing a special issue on "Exploring the Modern Organizational Context Through the Lens of Sports". He is Director of Communications and appointed officer of the Strategic Management STR Division of the Academy of Management. He received around 20 international awards for his research, teaching, and education. In 2018 Poets & Quants included him in the list of the “World’s Best 40 under 40 Professors.”
Roberta Capello is Full Professor of Regional and Urban Economics at the Politecnico di Milano. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Free University of Amsterdam. She is President of AISRe (the Italian Section of the Regional Science Association International) from 2019-2022. She was RSAI (Regional Science Association International) President (2009-2010); Member of the European Organising Committee and Treasurer of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) (2000-2006) and National Secretary of the Italian Section of the International Regional Science Association (1995-1998). She received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from West University of Timisoara, Romania, in 2012. She won the ERSA (European Regional Science Association) Carrier Prize in Regional Science for her outstanding achievements in 2017. In 2022, she received the Carrier Prize from the North American Association of Regional Sciences. She is a member of the editorial board of many scientific journals, such as Papers in Regional Science. She is the author of a textbook in Regional Economics, published in Italian (Il Mulino, 2004; 2 ed. 2015), in English (Routledge, 2007; 2 ed. 2015) and in Chinese (Economy and Management Publishing House, Beijing, 2014).