Conferenza / Incontro

The Social Conditions of Work. A Blindspot in Democratic Theory

24 maggio 2023
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo Paolo Prodi - Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Organizzato da: 
Tiziana Faitini, Michele Nicoletti, Alessandro Palazzo
Ingresso libero
Email per prenotazione: 
staff di Dipartimento Lettere e Filosofia
0461 282913
Axel Honneth (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt - Columbia University, New York)

Axel Honneth is the most eminent figure of the so-called third generation of the Frankfurt School, and one of the most influential voices in social philosophy today. His main body of work revolves around questions of social freedom, power and recognition. Among his many contributions, translated in several languages, The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts (Cambridge MA 1996) and The Pathologies of Individual Freedom: Hegel`s Social Theory (Princeton 2010). His last book is Der arbeitende Souverän: Eine normative Theorie der Arbeit (Suhrkamp 2023). He was the director of the Institut für Sozialforschung between 2001 and 2018.


h. 14:30, Auditorium 

Master class for MA and PhD students 

h. 18.00, Auditorium    

Keynote Lecture

Discussants: Francesca Sofia Alexandratos (Università di Venezia), Paolo Costa (ISR-FBK, Trento), Michele Nicoletti (Università di Trento).

Participation is free. To take part in the master class and earn the credits, registration is mandatory: please contact internationalphilosophy.lett [at]