
Informal introductory meeting with students

8 aprile 2024
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo Paolo Prodi - Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Aula Piscopia - 4th floor
Organizzato da: 
Giorgia Proietti
Incontro riservato
Comunità studentesca UniTrento
Ingresso libero
Giorgia Proietti
staff di Dipartimento Lettere e Filosofia
Marion Meyer, University of Wien

The programme includes 2 informal meetings with students (4 academic hours), 4 seminars (10 hours), and 1 public talk (2 hours).

The seminar is thought for MA and PhD students (but also advanced BA students are welcome). Previous knowledge of ancient Greek history and/or Classical Archaeology is useful, although not necessary: despite its specialistic focus, the seminar will in fact offer a general methodological training for the multi-medial and multi-disciplinary examination of space, whatever the time, place, and historical epoch.
Those interested in attending the seminars are invited to inform giorgia.proietti [at], ideally (but not compulsorily) a couple of weeks before the start of the seminar, so that they can receive the reading list on time.

The seminar is part of the project ‘SiGrH - Sites of Greek History. Monuments, spaces, borders’ (resp. Giorgia Proietti), in the framework of the programme ‘Dipartimento di Eccellenza 2023- 2027’. For any queries: giorgia.proietti [at]