Conferenza / Incontro

Painting’s Dreams at the End of the World

America, Ancient Grotesques, and Artistic Invention c. 1500
"Empedocle", cappella di San Brizio nel Duomo di Orvieto
11 aprile 2024
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo Paolo Prodi - Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Aula 108
Organizzato da: 
Eva Struhal
Ingresso libero
Eva Struhal
Staff Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
0461 282729; 0461 282913; 0461 282729
Stuart Lingo (University of Washington)

Art, the artist, and the imagination attained unprecedented significance around 1500 in a Europe upended by cultural transformation, religious reform, and millenarian expectations. These years also witnessed Europe's decisive encounter with the Americas. Art history has perceived little overlap between this epochal event and the fascination with Greco-Roman antiquity that drove much period artistic experimentation. Yet in imaginative sketches by Albrecht Dürer, revolutionary religious frescoes by Luca Signorelli, and a flight of butterflies from a singular mythological painting, we can recover a lost history in which antiquity and the “new world" intertwined to inspire a culture in search of self-renewal.