Conferenza / Incontro

"Leaving a light footprint"

Ideological patterns in Ecotourism discourse
14 maggio 2024
Orario di inizio 
Palazzo Paolo Prodi - Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Aula Fabrizio Cambi
Organizzato da: 
Sabrina Francesconi
Ingresso libero
Sabrina Francesconi
staff di Dipartimento Lettere e Filosofia
0461 282913 - 2729
Cinzia Spinzi - University of Bergamo

This paper explores the complex network of discursive and metaphorical patterns in the language of ecotourism. Ecotourism, a rapidly growing segment of the travel and tourism industry, often positions itself as an environmentally friendly and sustainable substitute for traditional travel. However, its marketing language conceals complex linguistic structures that shape reality and perception (Spinzi 2010; 2013).

Drawing on a range of multidisciplinary viewpoints from cognitive linguistics, environmental studies and tourism research, this research explores the ways in which metaphors such as "light footprint" or "wilderness adventure" are used to create the perception of unspoilt nature. It also examines the discursive techniques that emphasise ideas such as stewardship and conservation to shape the interactions between tourists and the environment. Through a qualitative analysis of promotional materials, tour itineraries, and online discourse, this paper uncovers the ways in which language not only reflects but also actively constructs the ecotourism experience.

By shedding light on these metaphorical and discursive patterns, this paper contributes to a deeper understanding of how language shapes our perceptions of nature, sustainability, and tourism practices. It also invites critical reflection on the implications of these linguistic choices for environmental conservation and the ethical dimensions of ecotourism endeavors.