
Nash images of the disk with bare hands

4 novembre 2021
Orario di inizio 
PovoZero - Via Sommarive 14, Povo (Trento)
Seminar Room "-1"
Comunità universitaria
Online su prenotazione
Email per prenotazione: 

“Doc in Progress” and #iorestoacasa are pleased to introduce you to:

  • Antonio Carbone - PhD in Mathematics, University of Trento

In the late 80’s Shiota states a conjecture about the characterization of those semi-algebraic sets S ⊂ Rm that are Nash images of some Euclidean space. In 2018 Fernando solves the Shiota conjecture and moreover he shows that if S is a Nash image of some Euclidean space then it is image of Rn  with n as smaller as possible (i.e. n = dim S). We investigated the compact case, namely the characterization of the Nash image of the standard disk. In the first part of the seminar after recalling some basic definitions, in order to keep the seminar as much self-contained as possible, I will focus on the historical framework and general setting where this problem fits. While in the second part I will try to explain the ideas (especially the geometrical ones) behind the solution of the Shiota conjecture in the compact case.

The seminar will be held both in presence in Seminar Room “-1” (Department of Mathematics) and online via Zoom.

To reserve a sit please contact docinprogress.unitn [at] using an institutional e-mail address.